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Rockwell Charter School
Rockwell Charter School

Grades 7-12 Tuition-free

Our students are a part of something greater than themselves. We care about a well-rounded education and nurturing individuals. Learn More


Everybody Has a Place

At Rockwell, you’re part of our community. We have an amazing team of supportive teachers, families, community members, and students working together to create a culture of belonging. Learn More


Certified Online School

We provide a variety of learning pathways - on campus, online, or hybrid. We personalize learning options and accommodate in-person instruction and home school families. Learn More

Head Start
Head Start

Early College Access

We partner with UVU and MTech to provide students a head start to their college careers. Learn More


Teen Center / Food Pantry

We operate a food and clothing pantry as well as a teen study center, serving over 80 families each month and more than 900 families over the past year. Volunteer


Award-winning Drama Program

Rockwell has a dynamic State and nationally ranked award-winning drama program that emphasizes both the craft of acting and technical production skills. Learn More

Rockwell Charter School

Grades 7-12 Tuition-free

At Rockwell Charter School, our students are a part of something greater than themselves. We care about a well-rounded education and nurturing individuals. We are proud to be a tuition-free public and accredited charter school located in Eagle Mountain, UT.


98% Graduation Rate


20:1 Student to Teacher Ratio


2nd in State Drama Competition

Our students have opportunities they wouldn't have at a bigger school. There is an open door here, not a waiting list. We want our students to be prepared for life, not just good test takers.

Ryan Dubois

Executive Director

We are proud to provide a variety of rigorous learning experiences that create opportunities for students to stretch and grow during their time at RCS. There is never a boring day at Rockwell, and isn’t that the way school should be?

Arts + CTE Focused

We believe in a well-rounded education. We provide learning plans tailored to the individual. 

Certified Online School

We provide a variety of learning pathways - on campus, online, or hybrid. We accommodate in-person instruction and home school families. 

Early College

We partner with UVU and MTech to give students the opportunity to earn college credits and get a head start. 

In-house Tutoring

4 days of the week, we provide built -in mentoring with teachers in an area where students may be struggling.

Rockwell Culture

We provide community for our students

At Rockwell, you are at the center of everything we do, because together, we thrive.

Rockwell Charter School teaches leadership
Rockwell provides a well-rounded education
The teachers are willing to help
Rockwell helped grow my confidence
It's kind of like family
There is big opportunity for success here

Every student has a place and we know their names.

You are centered here at Rockwell. At our school, we recognize that many students crave a sense of community, and we proudly provide that vital support. 

One student, who had never experienced true friendship before, found her place among peers here, illustrating the transformative power of our environment. Rather than conflicts, we witness kids fostering friendships, creating a peaceful and healthy atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. Our culture of belonging ensures that every student knows they fit in.  promoting happiness as our greatest strength. 

Compassion in Action

Teen Center / Food Pantry

Rockwell Charter School operates a food and clothing pantry as well as a teen study center to support our students and community.


Helping 80 families a month, 900 families every year. 


Volunteer opportunities for students.


A safe place after school.




Laundry services






Basic necessities

Frequently Asked Questions

The people want to know!

There's nothing quite like good communication to create and maintain a culture of connection and collaboration. Here are some answers to common questions about our school.

Charter schools are known for having a niche. At Rockwell, we excel at CTE and arts with our award-winning drama program. Our main goal is providing a well rounded education and nurturing individuals. 

About Us

Yes! Students are active and involved at Rockwell whether through clubs, drama, athletics, choir, or drill team, we offer something for everyone.

We offer many volunteer opportunities at our school which contributes to our mission of a well-rounded education. 

Get Involved

We are excited that you are considering our school. Our student enrollment is managed through a Lottery program.

Enroll Now

We can't wait to share our Rockwell Marshals' pride.