Policies & Procedures

At Rockwell we employ teachers with Professional, Associate, and LEA-Specific Educator Licenses as permitted by the Utah State Board of Education.

Professional Educator License

Individuals who follow the traditional route of licensure by attending an educator preparation program (through a university or other licensing jurisdiction) and receiving a bachelor’s degree or higher, are issued a Professional Educator License through the USBE. Professional Educator Licenses are valid for five years.

Associate Educator License

Individuals who have a bachelor’s degree or higher, or who are enrolled in an educator preparation program that will result in a bachelor’s degree or higher, or who have a skill certification in a specific CTE area as established by the USBE, may be issued an Associate Educator License upon satisfaction of USBE requirements. An Associate Educator License is valid for two years with a possible one-year extension.

LEA-Specific Educator License

An individual who does not meet the criteria for a Professional or Associate Educator License but meets the criteria set forth in the Rockwell Charter School LEA-Specific Licensing policy may be issued an LEA-Specific Educator License, license area, or endorsement. An LEA-Specific license, license area, or endorsement is valid only within the Rockwell Charter High School LEA. An LEA-Specific License is valid for one, two, or three years based on the LEA approval. A license renewal requires USBE approval.

Educator look up tool

Utah State Board of Education: Call (801) 538-7813 or email audit@schools.utah.gov.

Free and Reduced Lunch Program

Rockwell participates in the federal Free and Reduced Lunch Program, which offers eligible families the opportunity to receive meals at a reduced cost or free of charge. To apply, families need to complete the appropriate application form.

Instructions for Applying

You can find detailed guidance on the application process in our [Lunch Program Instructions (PDF)](link to Lunch Program pdf). For general information about the program, including income eligibility guidelines, please visit the official USDA website.

Application Forms

Completed forms should be returned to the school office. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the school's administration.

Additional Information

For income eligibility requirements, please refer to the USDA's Income Eligibility Guidelines.

We are dedicated to providing equal access to our Lunch Program and ensuring that no student is left without a meal due to financial constraints. If your child qualifies for benefits as a foster child, or is homeless, migrant, or a runaway, please contact the school for assistance in obtaining free meals without submitting an application.