Counseling Center

Counseling Center

We're here to help!

Meet Your Counselor

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Shelley Hayes

Hello! I am so excited to work with the youth at Rockwell. I have 6 children of my own, and I have been a foster parent for about 30 other kids. I love working with the youth. I have been doing it for almost 30 years and see no end in sight, thank goodness. Some unique things about me: I love elephants and I love purple.

Our counselors spend time on individual student planning, including the Plan for College and Career Readiness,  the school guidance curriculum, and responsive services/dropout prevention activities. We strive to meet learners' identified needs and desires, identified collaboratively by students, school staff, and parents or guardians.

Everyone needs someone in their corner.

At Rockwell, school counselors aim to help students answer four questions:


Who Am I?

Through considering social and emotional development


Where Do I Fit?

Through considering multicultural and global citizenship


Where Am I Going?

Through career and post-secondary exploration and planning


How Will I Get There?

Through academic and learning development

Upcoming Events

Saturday School

4th Saturday of each month during Semester 1

2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month during Semester 2

9 am to 1 pm

  • Come to the computer lab to work on Credit Recovery classes through Limitless Credit Recovery.

  • Make up absences too. Each half hour makes up 1 absence. 

Plan for College & Career Readiness

All students and (hopefully) their parents will be meeting with the counselor to discuss progress toward graduation and goals for the future.  Even grades (12th, 10th, and 8th) will meet 1:1 with me. Odd grades (11th, 9th, and 7th) will meet with me as a class.