Counseling Center

Graduation Requirements

  • 4 credits of English including Eng 9, 10, 11 and an English elective
  • 3 credits of Math including Sec Math 1, 2, and 3
  •  3 credits of Science including at least 2 credits of foundation science courses
  • .5 credit Geography
  • .5 credit World Civ / World History
  • 1 credit of US History
  • .5 credit of US Government and Citizenship
    - pass the Civics Test
  • .5 credit of Social Studies elective
  • 1.5 credits of Fine Arts
  • 1 credit of Career and Technical Education (CTE)
  • .5 credit Computer Technology
  • .5 credit Financial Literacy
  • .5 credit of Health
  • .5 credit of Fitness of Life
  • 1 credit of PE electives
  • 5.5 credits (minimum) of electives
  • 5 year plan
  • 10 hours of service per year 
  • High School Portfolio

Credit Recovery

We now have credit recovery through Limitless Credit Recovery. ( They are an accredited agency that has created courses based on key content, not seat time. Students attend on a Saturday and work through the class assignments, then take an open note final. Each quarter credit takes about 2 hours. The cost is $25 for a semester (or 2 quarters) with a maximum of $250 per school year.

Attendance Remedies

If you have missed more than 4 class periods, your teachers will be giving you an NG (no grade) on your report card.  You will not get credits for NGs so please make up your attendance.  When you attend Saturday school, you can make up 8 absences.  You can also make arrangements with your teacher to stay after school or complete specific work to make up your absences in their classes.